Friday, February 5, 2010


So Dr. Mom and Dr. Dad have arrived and they are determined to make me feel better, as my stomach has still been giving me grief. They brought with them this book called "The Ultra Simple Diet" written by Mark Hyman which is basically a book about eating very clean and kick-starting your metabolism. It entails no sugar, no caffeine, no alcohol, no wheat, no gluten, no dairy, no eggs and um oh wait no fun. Since I have to endure this wonderful cleanse for 7 days, I have convinced my parents that it is only fair that they endure this week long cleanse with me. While my mom, a non-coffee drinker is quite happy to be on this cleanse, my father and I are suffering from some serious caffeine withdrawals. Everywhere I look all I see is a Starbuck's logo, it is insane, no wonder I am an addict. Coffee is everywhere you go and I think this cleanse will either prove to me how much I don't need coffee or how much I will never want to let it go ever again. It is kind of like a relationship, but we don't need to get into that right now :) So I have 4 more days left of this cleanse and I will definitely continue to practice a lot of the healthy habits I have learned along this journey. I am enjoying the process of optimizing my health, as it plays a huge role in being a professional athlete. Wish me luck over the next four very long, caffeine-free days!!!


  1. You can do it, Leah! When you refer to coffee being like a relationship, you are referring to ours, right?? :-P Miss you, feel better!
